Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Clifford C. Nichols

Great videos Cliff , replayed them several times As discouraging and embarrassing to watch Resident Biden, God forbid he holds the nuclear codes , is one step away from pushing a button to annihilate the citizens of this world, very , very scary no doubt.

I agree July is going to be a very sobering month for President Trump considering what has happened to Steve Bannon.

I'm not really worried, I really do believe it's going -to be too big to rig- this time and come November 2024 America's values will prevail , and Trump will be with us again to take America 🇺🇸 Back where it needs to be.

I know one thing is for certain, if this lunacy continues, there will be War like you've never seen before in anyone's eyes or lifetime.

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Jun 17Liked by Clifford C. Nichols

Good morning— I’ve seen this Clips several times and I am smiling with amusement. I don’t feel bad for Joe Biden. I don’t feel bad for the country and I don’t feel bad for the Democratic Party, Joe Biden or Barack Obama anyone else involved this charade.—This is all self-inflicted wounds. If this is what they think is going to make US look like a strong vibrant, and virulent country, that deserves respect and admiration—then that’s on them. The tides will change as they always do.—We will get the right train travel down the right track, for all the right reasons.— We are a resilient nation and always have been.— Am I embarrassed as a taxpaying citizen, sure, but this isn’t on me. If they find that this is what leadership looks like, there sad sack of rotten potatoes. And they str just that.

So no, I do not feel bad for Joe Biden.

I feel bad for the many millions of people in this country who are so easily coerced by mainstream media manipulation and fractured, fairytales stories.—The people who have no interest in their local communities, Civic duties, or the willingness to just pay attention to the writing on the wall and what is truly in front of them, will be the first to cry.

If y want to hide their heads in the sand that’s on them. —- they have no business complaining about anything when things go south and their rights, liberties and freedoms are stripped to the bone.

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I agree with you Todd 110 % .These people are Comfortably Numb, they live in their own world think it doesn't affect their family or other children or their cars or their freedom but you're right, they will be stripped to the Bone of Freedom as they're marched off to concentration camps, shaking her head and disbelief wondering what went wrong.

Easy, you did not listen or care, And you will pay the ultimate price.

I can tell you I will not be standing by for Slaughter, I will go down dying , in a FireFight and take others with me and have no regrets , American values are worth dying for that's what built this country for 200 + Years.

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I can only pray you will never have to make this ultimate sacrifice ...

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About time someone lauded the all the meme-makers! Good call! As for the chief in Brazil... incredible. Even they understand what some of our unthinking democrat friends don't!

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