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Monday Musings — 06.17.2024


Editor’s Note No. 1:

For all the world to see, this video above — at a California fundraiser two days ago — clearly reveals who is controlling the White House behind the scenes; and that both Dr. Jill and Obama should be charged for elder abuse for allowing this clearly demented elder to be publicly shamed … all in order for them to retain their power over America and the American people.

In short, if you have any human decency in you, this alone should cause you to vote for Trump in November … so that, if for no other reason, this public humiliation of Joe Biden can be brought to an end. It’s embarrassing for him, and for us as a nation in the eyes of the world.

And, believe us … the entire world is watching …

Watch this …

This above is Chief Serere’s message to Donald J. Trump: “indigenous and non-indigenous people of Brazil love you!”

Have any of you ever seen anything like this happening in your lifetime?

Just saying …


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Editor’s Note No. 2:

The next few weeks contain events that will likely be of great historic significance, setting the trajectory of our country for decades to follow.

  • The voice of Steve Bannon very well could be removed from the national stage by his being placed in federal prison for the remainder of this election season and for the EXACT same crime that Merrick Garland — the man sending Bannon to prison — is guilty of!

  • The President could also be deprived of his liberty — not to mention his ability to campaign in the most important election season of our lifetime — by a single pip-squeak in a black robe sitting in a New York state courtroom.

  • The Presidential Debates are set to occur notwithstanding everyone’s complete awareness of Biden’s extreme mental decay; and

  • The GOP Convention is set to determine their candidate for President with a leading contender who could be in custody and a backstabbing snake named Nikki who is said to be vying for a backroom takeover of the GOP Presidential slot in Trump’s stead.

Aside from these trivialities, July is anticipated to be quite a hot month.

Wouldn’t you agree?

Again … just saying …


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Monday’s Quote for the Week:

“Stupid is as stupid does … “

— What Forrest Gump might have said to describe one of our Presidential candidates … can you guess which one?

Monday’s Memes for the Week:

Monday’s Poll Question:


This Week’s Unsung Heroes …

This week the Unsung Heroes Award goes to all the creators of MEMEs who have served the movement to restore America for the last several years by opposing the progressives and their “woke” ideologies with stinging humor that makes the points that need to be made … like this:

Please … Don’t Forget the J6ers… They Haven’t Forgotten You!

We hope you will play this video of the J6 Choir singing at least once a week to remember the injustices being done to American citizens in our own country by our own government.

Where there is no Rule of Law, there can be no justice … And where there is no Justice then Liberty is sure to wither …

The American Landscape
The American Landscape