There was some really great videos with Tucker Carlson, and Neil Oliver as well, and some very interesting stories to be told great writing as well.

As for theories as to why Nikki Haley is still staying in the race I'm just as perplexed by it all but I think a lot of your suggestions are very well warranted and fact based Cliff .

I truly believe as well there will be some event this summer that's perhaps going to stop the elections or take a very nasty turn towards the United States of America.

I to worry about Trump's safety along Carlson and others that speak up we have to remain vigilant because anything is possible.

It seems they don't put a price on anyone's life, and to obtain their goals their socialist views and new world order anything is possible.

More than anything stay focused , stay vigilant and pray pray everyday for America.

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Great work, American Landscape!

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