Editor’s Note No. 1:

A Prayer Request for Tucker and Russell:

The above video is Tucker Carlson yesterday speaking to power in Canada — i.e. Justin Trudeau — before a crowd as big your average Trump Rally about the evil of globalism in America today that MAGA is fighting under the leadership of President Trump.

Thus, while his boldness is admirable, in today’s world, that courage that he is so cheerfully putting on public display in and to nations around the world could very well expose him to a risk of serious harm.

Such is especially true when the size of his global popularity and reach allows him to deliver his message of defiance to so many who are living in countries led by temperamental (and otherwise psychologically imbalanced) totalitarians dictators … like Justin — aka Castro — Trudeau.

The question should become, how long will such globalist rulers tolerate the “resistance” Tucker is encouraging.

Consider, for example, this next video in which Tucker is again speaking in Canada with Dr. Jordan Peterson and telling Canadians how best to stand up to the leaders of their country who would prefer for them to remain silent as they do what they are told.

Of course, Tuck is correct. But that doesn’t mean the evil cabalists of whom he is speaking will like it … or ultimately tolerate it. They want to maintain, if not increase, their control and power over us and are clearly intent upon obtaining both — a point nicely summarized by none other than Russell Brand.

On the foregoing basis, The American Landscape would urge all subscribers who may be so inclined to pray daily for the safety of Mr. Carlson and his family, as well as for Russell Brand.

At the end of the day, the reason why we feel this imperative is simple.

Unlike President Trump, neither of these men have the blessing of around-the-clock secret service protection.

Editor’s Note No. 2:

Nikki Haley’s Refusal to Leave

Many have posed the question: Why is Nikki Haley not dropping out of the race in these primaries given her losses to date, not to mention those losses in the future that are clearly foreseeable?

Many have analyzed her chances of beating President Trump, and most — except for guys like Sununu and the donor class he fronts for — have concluded she has no chance on an even playing field.

Yet … many of her donors — and Sununu — appear to be standing by her run for the Presidency.

Therein lies the key to the mystery, in the opinion of The American Landscape.

If she and her donors remain true to their present course — in spite of the huge gap behind Trump — it can only suggest one thing: they know something that the great majority of pundits and political analysts don’t.

What we do know is that Nikki Haley is a stalwart among those that make up the military-industrial complex and a favorite among a corrupt political class headed up by the likes of Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney.

We also know that most, if not all, of these supporters of a “lost cause” named Nikki don’t want somebody like Biden to be reelected and set the table for Kamala Harris to take the reins of power in this country upon his likely demise in the course of a second term in office, which is foreseeable to all concerned.

And if Nikki were to become President instead of Trump, they would get all they have been getting from Biden — like multiple wars on a number of fronts along with all the kickbacks and side-arrangements they have come to expect.

So … that reasoning brings us to the conclusion that for some reason they know that Nikki is their last, best alternative to Trump who is presently on the stage.

All of which leads us to another conclusion that is, indeed, chilling.

Because they know Nikki will likely beat Biden in November but won’t have the opportunity to do so if Trump defeats her in the primaries, they must be operating on the belief that between now and the end of the primaries, there is some event that will remove Trump from the stage … and, thus, will leave only Nikki to fulfill their dreams, goals and ambitions by defeating Biden in November.

Thus, the only thing they appear to know that we don’t is what exactly is the event that they appear certain will both occur and that will effectively remove the present leader of the movement they despise … MAGA.

The American Landscape realizes this may only be the product of our imagination.

That said, if Nikki is trounced by President Trump in South Carolina and yet, even then, still remains in the race for President, we really do think that should make the hairs on the back of President Trump’s neck stand on end.

At that point, perhaps he really should then be asking those around him, including his security detail, whether Nikki knows that something she’s not sharing — like her having been assured by her donors in the back room that some ominous event is more than likely to occur that will leave her standing alone on the stage and thus be the only remaining hope for the military-industrial complex to dispose of the Biden/Harris disaster, and yet, retain possession of the White House via a Republican victory.

Exactly what that “ominous” event might be, perhaps that is what only Nikki and her donors know for certain at the present time.

But if we did know, might that not help explain what, to so many, presently appears to be unexplainable — why is Nikki refusing to leave the stage no matter how badly Trump is presently trouncing her in the primaries?

Logic would leave us to believe it is because she has been assured by her supporters in the “know” — and herself believes —that it is President Trump who will soon be leaving that stage?

Some might say, surly nobody could be that diabolically evil solely for the purpose of achieving their own personal advancement.

First, we would agree that it is evil indeed. But then again, we also have to note that we are living in evil times.

At the end of the day, perhaps we can all agree that it is certainly no more evil than were it to be revealed one day that some pint-sized federal government bureaucrat had helped fund the release of a deadly man-made virus on the world that killed millions in order to make a fortune on the patents for the cure that he had procured in advance, but that, in the end, also turned out to kill even more millions around the world.

Just saying … anything is possible.

If you disagree, what are your thoughts about why Nikki is staying in the race?

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Weekend Meme

Weekend Message for Regressives — i.e. “Progressives”— to Ponder …

Weekend Thoughts for all Subscribers of The American Landscape …

Please … Remember the J6rs!!!

This video will appear at the bottom of The American Landscape until all the J6 prisoners are exonerated and released from custody.


Sign … The Declaration of Liberty

Sign the Declaration

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Sign the Declaration (Abridged)


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