Listening to that I want to throw up. I'm so tired of being used and sold out. Fire all of them immediately and we the people need to insist on only items that get us results that prosper us, not continue to harm us. All member of government should have any protections taken away as well as a salary for life. This is killing America.

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Ugh I know! JOHNSON is at the head of the cabal! My guess he’s part of the Koch brothers plan to go back to corrupt Bush years and wipe out MAGA!

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Massey is 100% spot on in his assessment. This IS political theater. It’s a charade, it’s unscrupulous shenanigans at the expense, financially speaking as well, of the taxpayers. This is been going on far longer than 12 years, but at least I appreciate one congressional individual who has the courage to sit down or stand up and voice honestly, accurately what is taking place. Will his words change anything, I have hope but I have my doubts as well. You have the Democratic industrial complex, the media complex in their back pocket.— The social media giants in their back pocket promoting, propagating and providing, willfully, misinformation to the American people. It’s all about achieving an agenda. In this case, totalitarianism and We the People” lose. We will continue to lose as long as the people in charge are more interested in protecting their own ass and their own assets first and foremost and that’s on both sides of aisle.

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