Editor’s Note No. 1:

This video is presented by The American Landscape to set the table for a proper discussion of Mitch McConnell.

The short of it is, he needs to go.

His leadership of Republicans in the Senate is far past its prime and needs to be brought to a close.

The recent Border Bill fiasco being only the latest example of this fact.

He was fully prepared to attempt to use his position of power to foist on the American public legislation that would have institutionalized the invasion of our nation by foreign nationals and, thereby, handicap any future President from being able to effectively put a stop to this presently unfettered onslaught.

He only stopped pushing it toward the house, however, when even he realized that it would likely result in many Senators being voted out of office — and thus stain his cache or even cause his removal as the leader of Senate Republicans — by a public that is no longer content to follow his fraudulent narratives put out there only to get even more funding for a war in Ukraine that the public is DONE with!

It’s time for him to be placed in the dust-bin of history and replaced with a Republican leader in the Senate who hears the people’s voice — i.e. a leader who:

  1. Does not want to burden taxpayers with the funding of unending wars of little strategic value;

  2. Wants our tax dollars spent on restoring the infrastructure of America, not being given to some foreign land for purposes unknown;

  3. Wants our borders made secure to restore our nation’s sovereignty and ensure the integrity and safety of our cities and states; and who,

  4. Truly wants to work with — not against — the American people to restore the greatness this country formerly enjoyed.

Any Senate leader who has lost touch with the importance of achieving and maintaining these simple goals and standards is a leader that has lost touch with the population of average everyday Americans he claims to be serving.

That is, he is a “leader” who has lost touch with reality … and so also is a “leader” who needs to be replaced … and, the sooner the better!

Editor’s Note No. 2:

As you may recall, last Friday, we at The American Landscape requested for all subscribers who may be so inclined to pray for the safety of Tucker Carlson and Russell Brand:

A Prayer Request for Tucker and Russell

And now this week, we have Tucker interviewing Putin!

The Deep State — whoever it is that they may be — has no choice other than to be going …. ABSOLUTELY NUTS!

Witness the panic in Erin Burnett’s voice in this clip as she attempts to degrade Tucker Carlson by inferring that somehow he is an enemy of her America — i.e. a Putin/Trump ally:

Is the real truth that Ms. Burnett and her ilk on the left are afraid that Tucker and Putin getting together for a discussion very well might uncover facts that could expose the narrative they have been foisting on the public on behalf of the Biden regime to be, in fact, a sack full of lies?

With that possibility in mind, perhaps now would be a good time for all of us to double down on our prayers for the safety of Tucker and his family.

Just saying …


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Weekend Thoughts for all Subscribers of The American Landscape …

Weekend Memes

Weekend Message for Regressives — i.e. “Progressives”— to Ponder …

Please … Remember the J6rs!!!

This video will appear at the bottom of The American Landscape until all the J6 prisoners are exonerated and released from custody.


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