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Friday Farthings — 10.11.2024


Editor’s Note No. 1:

Jon Voight is a true American patriot speaking here from a lifetime of varied circumstances that have culminated in the wisdom he shares with us all in the above video …

Listen … and then share it with as many others as you can think of who you believe may benefit from doing likewise.

But … before we leave this point, please take a moment to give this emerging American treasure a listen — Natalie G. Winters:

And then, just say a prayer that she and her eloquent boldness be sheltered from attacks by the enemy … before you share her words with others.

Just saying …

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Editor’s Note No. 2:

Christians and gun owners are typically two of the lowest voting demographics.

This year, this must not happen!

To hear a grand-slam sermon about the Christian’s obligation to God’s Kingdom of Heaven here on earth to get engaged in politics and to participate by VOTING, we encourage you to listen to the following:

Then … share this message with others and together, let’s join with President Trump and make the election on November 5th … “TOO BIG TO RIG!”

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Editor’s Note No. 3:

In case you missed it, here’s a clip from this last Wednesday’s Part I of Just Saying … with guest, Mark Snyder — a distinguished 30-year veteran of the L.A.P.D. (Ret.) — discussing his professional opinion of the demise of George Floyd and whether the conviction of Derek Chauvin was just.

Watch entire episode of Just Saying ...

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Editor’s Note No. 4.

Next week on The American Landscape’s podcast, Just Saying …, Mark Snyder will return to apply his expert analysis to the death — murder? — of Ashli Babbitt and the preparations President Trump should consider NOW to help him avoid any future assassination attempts.

You will not want to miss Part II of this most edifying discussion next week!

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Weekend Quote for This Fine Friday …

— President Donald J. Trump

Weekend Food for Thought …

In thoughtful remembrance of Tina Peters — 68-year-old Mesa County, Colorado Election Official — who has been sent to prison for 9 years as we speak by a democrat judge for exactly this “crime.”

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NOW would be a good time to become a PAID subscriber to The American Landscape. If you can afford $5 a month, it would help tremendously to carry our work forward to a Trump victory and beyond! Just saying …

Weekend Thoughts for Wokers — i.e. “Regressives”— to Ponder …

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Weekend Meme …

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Please, remember the J6rs this week … & Steve Bannon … & Tina Peters!

One thing is for sure … They haven’t forgotten YOU!

This video will appear at the bottom of The American Landscape until all the J6 prisoners are exonerated and released from custody.

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