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Friday Farthings — 10.04.2024


Editor’s Note No. 1:

In our opinion here at The American Landscape, when, as governor, you have allowed immigration via illegals to create a situation with 50 languages being spoken in public schools … you are a TRAITOR!

By doing facilitating this he has obliterated our children learning our cultural traditions predicated on a collective reverence for our nation’s Founders, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and our commitment as a people to a Supreme Creator as was first set forth in our Declaration of Independence.

Meanwhile … as this guy and his running mate are busy running around spreading the “joy,” listen to this man’s message to the Biden/Harris administration about their failure to meet the challenges this man, and others like him, are having to deal with in the aftermath of hurricane Helene:

Just saying …

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Editor’s Note No. 2:

68 year old Tina Peters is placed in custody to serve a 9 year prison sentence!

In Colorado, Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, a 68-year-old Gold Star Mother, was sentenced to 9 years in prison for daring to question the 2020 election and attempting to preserve her county’s voting record by keeping a copy of the data from the Dominion Voting Machine that was used in her office after she was “unlawfully” ordered by the Colorado Secretary of State, Jena Griswold, to destroy that evidence.

[Please remember Ms. Griswold’s name, if and when the present tyranny is removed and justice is restored in America.]

Upon sentencing, the judge refused her attorney’s request that Ms. Peters be allowed to remain free pending her appeal, and ordered her to be remanded into custody immediately.

In the opinion of us here at The American Landscape, this is TRAGIC!

Please pray for Tina’s safety and early release if President Trump is re-elected in November.

Then also remember the name of the judge who did this to her: Colorado District Court Judge Matthew Barrett, an appointee of the democrat governor. 

This travesty imposed by democrats upon their enemies like Ms. Peters gives interesting meaning to the following thoughts BioClandestine posted on Telegram yesterday:

“I’m tired of pretending that we are playing by the normal rules of engagement.

“The establishment are:

  • funding wars across the globe

  • trafficking children

  • weaponizing media/tech

  • developing biological weapons

  • attempting assassinations

  • etc.

“The social contract has expired.”

What say you, Steven K. Bannon? In light of what is happening to people like Tina Peters, do you agree with BioClandestine?

Oh, sorry, Mr. Bannon. You’re still in Federal custody for disobeying a kangaroo congressional committee’s subpoena. We’ll have to get back with you upon your release.

Editor’s Note No. 3:

In case you missed it, here’s a clip from this last Wednesday’s episode of Just Saying … with guest, Dr. Mark Byers, discussing America’s duties and obligations in the spiritual battle that is currently raging …

Watch Entire Episode of Just Saying


Editor’s Note No. 4.

Next week on our podcast, Just Saying …, Mark Snyder, 33-year veteran of the L.A.P.D., will join us to share his thoughts on the evidence he witnessed in the deaths of George Floyd and Ashli Babbit, and the two attempts to assassinate Donald J. Trump.

You will not want to miss either Part I or Part II of this most edifying discussion!


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Weekend Quote for This Fine Friday …

“When evil rulers are allowed to become our elected leaders, their evil will permeate our society.”

— Paraphrased from a sermon by Zak White, San Antonio, Texas, entitled “How to be Holy at the Ballot Box

Weekend Food for Thought …


NOW would be a good time to become a PAID subscriber to The American Landscape. If you can afford $5 a month, it would help tremendously to carry our work forward to a Trump victory and beyond! Just saying …

Weekend Thoughts for Wokers — i.e. “Regressives”— to Ponder …


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Weekend Meme …


Please, remember the J6rs this week … & Steve Bannon!

One thing is for sure … They haven’t forgotten YOU!

This video will appear at the bottom of The American Landscape until all the J6 prisoners are exonerated and released from custody.

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