Editor’s Note No. 1:

It should cause any conservative patriot to feel good — at least for now — when someone like the Maddow is having such an apparent meltdown.

In fact, the word “panic” comes to mind.

All of which suggests that those on the Trump train must be doing something right. And that’s even before we get to the fact that the current nervous breakdown of those on the left also quite possibly provides some firm evidence that God appears to be on our side in this battle battle of good versus evil … that ultimately is going to decide the future fate of America.

At least that is the hope we at The American Landscape are taking some assurance in while watching the Democratic Party’s current state of disarray.

So, on that note, enjoy this Friday and the blessed weekend that is sure to follow.

Get some rest and we can pick it up again come Monday.

Just a thought …

We hope you agree!

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Editor’s Note No. 2:

No matter how much some Democrats may feel they need Hillary to replace Biden on the ticket to give them any hope of defeating Trump come this November, just know this: Hillary needs the Democrats to make her their Biden replacement candidate more than they need her.

Only if she is Trump’s opponent in this race will she even have a remote ability to blunt a future Trump Administration’s quite justified desire to hold her accountable for the crimes she and her husband are known to have committed.

Clearly, unless she is allowed to claim the shelter of being Trump’s official opponent this November, she knows better than anybody that the next Trump Department of Justice will have an otherwise clear path to investigating, prosecuting and — finally — “locking her up” … as well as her husband and all the other Clinton sycophants, for, among other things, their involvement with these treasonous acts:

  • Their initiation and promotion of a false Russian Hoax in 2016 that lasted four years to enable them both to use the useful idiots in her party to try to undermine a sitting President;

  • Institutionalizing her pay-for-play scheme while serving as our Secretary of State that empowered their “Clinton Foundation” to unlawfully rake in millions of dollars, which in turn, ended up in their pockets by virtue of her intentional misuse of classified information she received by virtue of her official capacity in federal office; and

  • Hillary’s mishandling and illegal possession of hundreds, if not thousands, of classified documents on her private server while destroying the evidence as best she could in total defiance of, and contempt for, a Congressional subpoena to provide them for their review.

If your liberal friends understand nothing else, they surely can’t doubt that nobody knows the Clinton’s culpability for their treason better than the Clintons.

That’s why, today, they are actively seeking to be chosen to replace Biden to provide them a shelter from the storm they know is coming that will impact the Barrs, Wrays, Epps, Comeys, Strozks, Clappers, Brennans and Obamas of this world, who right now are all researching their available legal defenses in case in the near future any of them are charged with TREASON.

Just saying …


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Weekend Food for Thought …

Weekend Quote for This Fine Friday …

“Please remember that I never made a conclusion about whether Baldwin is guilty or not of the crime charged. That’s because I have not seen the evidence.

“The reason I can state so forcefully that Hunter and Joe are notorious criminals in that I HAVE seen the evidence.”

— Garrett Ziegler, renowned creator of the Report on the Biden Laptop published by his Marco Polo organization.

NOW would be a good time to become a PAID subscriber to The American Landscape. If you can afford $5 a month, it would help tremendously to carry our work forward to a Trump victory. Just saying …

Weekend Thought for Wokers — i.e. “Regressives”— to Ponder …


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Weekend Meme

Please … don’t forget to remember the J6rs this week … or Dr. Navarro … or Steve Bannon!

One thing is for sure … They haven’t forgotten YOU!

This video will appear at the bottom of The American Landscape until all the J6 prisoners are exonerated and released from custody.

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