Editor’s Note No. 1:

Practically speaking, the truth is Kamala does NOT have what it takes to meet the present needs of the Democrat Party.

First, assume the Democrats intend to cheat in November, just like they did in 2020 and 2022 (and who knows how many elections before that).

But to do that, they must have a candidate that can lend plausible deniability to their cheat.

At the end of the day — giving Kamala every benefit of the doubt possible — even the Democrats can’t realistically expect the American public to believe Kamala could beat Trump in a “legitimate” election.

So … for the Democrats, their present problem is not how or when to replace Biden — which at this point is a given. It is finding somebody with the political gravitas to cloak their cheat to out vote Trump’s MAGA base.

Can you name who that might be?

Aside from Hillary … we can’t either … and, even Hillary would be a stretch.

Just saying …

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Editor’s Note No. 2:


With the current pResident’s undeniably advancing dementia that is now being revealed to have commenced for quite some time before his entering the White House in 2020, there is one fact that would seem is being overlooked, but it should frighten us all.

It is evident that the federal bureaucracy has metastasized into such an autocratic leviathan, it no longer needs a functioning President to be at the helm of the executive branch of our government.

Consider the implications of this. We now have a “government” that is no longer answerable to We the People, and worse yet, that knows it doesn’t have to be.

In fact, if it wanted to, our federal bureacracy could promote endless wars, send untold billions to money laundering operations, funnel a portion of that money through lobbyists back to the members of Congress who first voted to send it abroad … to keep them quiet. And, to effect the continued funding of these operations, indenture the citizens of America via taxes with indifference.

At the end of the day, is it any wonder why these invisible autocrats with their hands on the true levers of power now consider members of Trump’s MAGA movement to be nothing less than slaves who should pay those taxes and keep their mouths shut if they knew better?

And, then along comes a guy like Trump who is opening the eyes of those enslaved citizens and tells them they have a right for their Constitutional government that is answerable to them to be restored and to thereby return to the “people” their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Might this be one of the primary reasons why the rich men north of Richmond hate Trump with such a fever pitch?

Quite simply, he has upset the Washington, D.C. apple-cart that has been carrying their graft and corruption peacefully down the road for decades now for the ultimate benefit of those real power brokers we — the enslaved “normies” — will never directly see or hear from — (See, Editor’s Note No. 3 below).

Just a thought …

Do you agree?

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Editor’s Note No. 3:

If you have never heard of Jeff Zients before … if you haven’t, you should!

He is said by some to be the second most powerful man in Washington, D.C. and he just happens to be Joe Biden’s Chief of Staff.

To us at The American Landscape, his background is somewhat chilling and mysterious …

To that end, we urge you to read the following editorial that recently appeared on Thinkspot, an online social networking service started by Jordan Peterson:

You May Not Know Who Jeff Zients Is, But He Might Be Running The Country

Weekend Food for Thought …

"When a patient requests an organ in China, his/her DNA sequenced data will be blasted against millions in the DNA database stored in computers. Within a few minutes, a perfect match will be found," says Maya Mitalipova, director of the Human Stem Cell Laboratory at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, MIT.

"If a potential donor of the organs is not in prison or a camp, then Chinese authorities can easily find a reason to detain a match to be killed for their organs on demand." 

Weekend Quote for This Fine Friday …

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Weekend Thought for Wokers — i.e. “Regressives”— to Ponder …


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Weekend Meme

Please … don’t forget to remember the J6rs this week … or Dr. Navarro … or Steve Bannon!

One thing is for sure … They haven’t forgotten YOU!

This video will appear at the bottom of The American Landscape until all the J6 prisoners are exonerated and released from custody.

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