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Friday Farthings — 05.24.2024


Editor’s Note No. 1:

The above video is posted by The American Landscape because we believe it helps give an accurate perspective that may help some to better differentiate between why so many people in this country clearly have come to love Trump … and Biden not so much.

First, Trump looks to find out what works for the American people and what doesn’t and then moves forward to achieve what’s best, not only for him, but for all he again seeking to serve. Biden, on the other hand looks to see what’s best for him, and then does what he needs to in order to better his position and power regardless of how it affects the people he was supposedly elected to serve.

Second, Trump reflects his love for this country and its hard-working citizens, no matter who they may be, where they may come from and how much money they may have, or not have. The bottom line is that he loves his fellow man and that love is reflected in most everything he says and does. And he takes it personally when some attempt to repress those he hopes to serve and is willing to stand in the gap and fight the battles for all of us, whatever the cost may be. As Dana White points out in the next video … Trump is, at the end of the day, an “absolute savage” who is willing to bring the fight to the enemies of America …

Biden, not so much.

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Editor’s Note No. 2:

The next time you see university students be persuaded by infiltrators and Hollywood celebrities to protest Israel in favor of so-called “Palestinians” — i.e. Hamas — think about the treatment of these Israeli women at the hands of their captors.

And, for those who claim to be calling for the protection of the “innocent” people of Gaza, consider whether those so-called civilian victims of this war can claim that they had no knowledge of the activities of Hamas operating in their midst prior the terrorism that spewed forth out of Gaza on October 7, 2023.

In short, the adults of Gaza are no less culpable, in our view, than were the citizens of Munich who turned a blind eye as the ashes of Jews that were being cremated in the ovens of Dachau descended without stop on their homes, their yards, their streets and their cars. In both cases, they may not have participated in the evil directly, but they knew the evil was taking place, and did nothing to stop it. Which makes them complicit in that evil.

So, do not even try to argue that they are “innocent.”

Just a thought …


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Editor’s Note No. 3:

People across America are praying for the safety and protection of President Trump and his family more than they have for any President in our lifetime. But at the same time there are others who we at The American Landscape feel are also in urgent need of such prayers as we move toward the 2024 election.

If Trump is victorious and retakes the White House, many in the “deep state” are more than aware of the fact that they may be held to account for the treason they have committed over the course of the last eight years. And to avoid this end, they are no doubt willing to do whatever is necessary to blunt his chances, if not bring them to a complete halt. And for such evil and highly motivated folks such as these, assassination of their enemies is most certainly being discussed.

This said, brings to our memory the death — some say, assassination — of Andrew Breitbart. Listen to this video and consider who comes to mind in terms of today.

Most certainly, todays version is Breitbart’s former colleague, Stephen K. Bannon.

As he calls daily for justice and accountability of those who have been revealed to be traitors to our Republic and promises daily that it will be forthcoming upon Trump’s return to office, he is boldly placing a bullseye on his forehead, just as did Andrew Breitbart before him.

That said, he and those like him are also in need of our prayers daily for their safety and protection. Others who might be included in such a list with Steve Bannon would be Rudy Giuliani, Mike Davis, Ivan Raiklin, Stephen Miller, Kari Lake, Alina Habba, Peter Navarro, and Kash Patel. Certainly, the silencing of any of these would be viewed as a tremendous positive by members of the deep state.

If you can think of others like these patriots who you think should also be prayed for in these volatile times, please leave your suggestions in the comments.

In short, between now and November, let all who are willing commit to praying for Trump’s generals as we are made to navigate the minefields set before us by the tyranny that has no intention of surrendering or doing whatever may be necessary to allow their clawed fists to retain their control over the levers of power.

Just a thought …


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Weekend Food for Thought …

America is definitely passing through a dark phase in our history, but always keep in mind that with God’s help, we will make it to the other side. So don’t forget to take a break, and seek that comfort, peace and joy that transcends human understanding even as we endure trials and tribulations that may not be of our making but are intended for our good …

Weekend Quote for this Fine Friday …

“ … we also celebrate in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint …”

— Romans 5:3-5

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Weekend Message for Wokers — i.e. “Regressives”— to Ponder …


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Weekend Meme


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Please … don’t forget to remember the J6rs this week!

One thing is for sure … They haven’t forgotten YOU!

This video will appear at the bottom of The American Landscape until all the J6 prisoners are exonerated and released from custody.

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