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Friday Farthings — 04.19.2024


Editor’s Note No. 1:

Sometimes, to continue the life we hope to live, requires a time of great sacrifice.

We at The American Landscape have no idea if eagles have to endure the painful period of transformation described in the above video to renew their ability to survive and continue to soar.

But, whether or not it is true, it is posted here because it is a perfect allegory for the painful passage a culture must be willing to endure at certain points in its history if it hopes to survive.

In short, a nation must choose to endure the pain required to restore its founding principles and thereby its ability to continue soaring into the future as the great nation it was created to be … or not. In which case, the only other available alternative is for it to choose to avoid the pain and thus to wither and eventually die.

Distilled to its essence, that is the truth that Tucker and this gentleman, Jesse Kelly, are attempting to wrestle with in the next video below.

What they are discussing is worth listening to and, in the opinion of The American Landscape, should be shared by you with any and all you know who may be willing to listen.

As the video makes clear … time is of the essence. If we wait much longer … it will be too late, and we can’t say we weren’t warned.

The immediate resistance these gentlemen are suggesting is needed to save our country cannot coalesce unless there exists a platform of common ideas and goals that will bring patriots together by unifying them under a common banner of the ideas, principles and goals they demand from any institutions they will permit to “govern” them.

Of course, in 1776, the Declaration of Independence provided such a platform that was needed at the time to encourage the colonists to take a unified stand against the tyranny of the Crown that refused to comply with their expectations of what should be a proper form of government.

And for 2024, that historic platform has been adapted to create The Declaration of Liberty for such a time as this.

Declaration of Liberty

If you haven’t read it, you may wish to do so. Like the Declaration of Independence, it only takes about 15 minutes … and it takes far less than that to share it with others.

Do you think your country’s fate is worth such a small investment of time?

We at The American Landscape do and hope you do, also.

P.S. If any of you have an inside track to either Tucker Carlson or Jesse Kelly, and can forward The Declaration of Liberty directly to them for their consideration … may God bless you.

Just a thought …


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Editor’s Note No. 2:

Last week, The American Landscape awarded the “Unsung Hero of the Week Award” to Karli Bonne of The Midnight Rider fame, and we are proud to announce that the next day, she responded by graciously posting this on her Midnight Rider Channel:

Indeed, Ms. Bonne, it is we at The American Landscape who are humbled … and want to thank you for acknowledging our Award.

Going forward, our only remaining hope, Ms. Bonne, is that you will soon consider taking a few minutes to read and quietly consider the message intended by The Declaration of Liberty. And, if time is short, for your convenience, there is also available an abridged form.

As set forth above in Editor’s Note No. 1, resistance to any tyranny requires an ideological platform of common ideas and demands to unify and encourage its members … and that would include all the many patriots you encourage daily.

Thomas Jefferson accomplished this by writing he Declaration of Independence, and we only hoped to do likewise by shamelessly plagiarizing his work in order to create a document for today that might accomplish the purposes his writing achieved back in 1776 … the unification of those whose desire is to defeat a tyranny confronting them and reacquire the liberty they once enjoyed.

On the chance that you, Ms. Bonne, might agree the message of today’s Declaration is fit for these perilous times in which we are living, it is our hope and prayer that you will consider urging the American patriots who follow your Midnight Rider Channel on Telegram — i.e. Bannon, Kirk and Posobiec, not to mention the former President who we pray will be our next — to consider doing likewise.

Just a thought.

But if you don’t have time, no worries. We know all too well how busy you must be to generate the content you provide to inform us all.

Either way, we wish you God’s speed …


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Weekend Food for Thought …

If you personally know of anyone who thinks that socialism/marxism would be a system of government desirable for America, The American Landscape strongly urges you to suggest they read a book titled: Daughter of China.

It is a gripping true story about a young rising star in the People’s Liberation Army of China, but who was then accused by her government of engaging in “forbidden acts” that her interrogators refused to clarify.

Consider having to experience the fabricated reality of the chilling interrogation procedures of the very tyranny she had once proudly served, and yet, could not avoid describing as follows:

“In China, the truth could neither save me nor set me free, because the truth is seldom true.

“The Chinese Communist Party determines what is true and what is not in China. Party leaders may declare that they seek to discover the truth from facts but they really mean they will find facts that fit the predetermined Party truth. When necessary facts are invented.


“When the system is working as expected [by the state], an arrest is a prelude to a [coerced] confession … A trial is just a showcase where charges are read and sentences pronounced to a cowed and contrite miscreant.”

Before one dismisses this as a tale about a tyranny far, far away, consider this recent quote that shockingly is a virtual restatement of the foregoing by our very own NPR’s CEO Katherine Maher:

“Our reverence for the truth might be a distraction that’s getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done.”

Such is a statement of the dystopian reality that is created and adhered to by any tyranny no matter where in the world it may metastasize.

It is the skewed ideological foundation put in place by all totalitarian regimes that enables the law enforcement and judicial branches of the “state” to allow its friends — like Hunter Biden — to rebuke a Congressional subpoena and remain free while another who is disfavored by the state can present a legitimate challenge to an identical subpoena — like Dr. Peter Navarro — yet be placed in federal prison.

And, in case you hadn’t noticed, it is that same tyrannically biased process that also enables other friends of the “state” who are plainly guilty of a multitude of crimes — like, Hillary — to continue to freely appear on talk shows to suggest the state’s need to “reprogram” its enemies, while another may be accused of crimes that are fabricated by the state out of whole cloth — like President Trump — in order for the state to compel its political enemy to appear in a criminal court for weeks on end as he awaits a verdict he knows could very well bring an end to the God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness he once enjoyed.

In short, under any socialist/marxist totalitarian government, the state is unleashed to sweep away the rule of law and place all safeguards as may have once existed in documents like our Constitution into the dustbin of history. Which thereby frees the state to create only such “truths” as it finds necessary to punish its enemies, while at the same time ignoring what is true to provide its allies with absolute immunity for behavior that is far worse and often far more criminal.

All that to say … Daughter of China is highly recommended by The American Landscape as it provides some keen insights into where America is headed towards under the current regime’s game of politicized lawfare.

It brings to the reader an awareness that, unless something is done soon to correct our nation’s present trajectory, the proverbial Rubicon will soon be crossed before we know it — if it hasn’t been already — and we will find ourselves having allowed our once-great country to be brought to a dark place of no return.

As always … just putting it all this out there for you to ponder …

Let us know your thoughts.


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Weekend Quote for this Fine Friday …

“Who fights for communism must be able to fight and not to fight, to say the truth and not say the truth, to render and to deny service, to keep a promise and to break a promise, to go into danger and to avoid danger, to be known and to be unknown. Who fights for communism has of all the virtues only one: that he fights for communism.”

— Bertolt Brecht, as quoted in Chapter 2 of Daughter of China

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Weekend Messages for Wokers — i.e. “Regressives”— to Ponder …


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Weekend Meme …


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Please … Remember the J6rs!!!

This video will appear at the bottom of The American Landscape until all the J6 prisoners are exonerated and released from custody.


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