Editor’s Note No. 1:


Do not watch the above video unless you are prepared to watch the most grotesque act of evil by a human being ever posted by The American Landscape!!!


This was posted to make the following point: our declaration that mankind has truly fallen over the edge of the precipice and is in a free fall descent toward a very dark abyss.

And if you take comfort in thinking such cultural decline is just happening “somewhere else,” listen to the following video of this woman introducing a Bill in the legislature of Idaho:

Moral confusion is running amok as demonstrated by the confusion of this “grandmother” — also here in America — who thinks it’s not a bad thing to sexually transition her grandchildren … if they so desire.

Is someone who approves of the mutilation of their granddaughters’ genitals morally so very far apart from the Haitian above or those who would want to mulch human remains to “enhance” the produce from their gardens?

Clearly … Satan is roaming among us like a lion seeking to steal, kill and destroy … and today, he no longer even cares if we see the evil he is sowing to do just that.

What to do?

First and foremost … start now by getting right with God, His Son Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit …

Given the debauchery that is going on in this broken world at an ever quickening pace, the time that remains for us — and those we love — to do this is likely short.

Don’t take for granted that there will always be tomorrow for us to get around to doing what we should be doing today …

Tomorrow may be too late ... or, may never come.

Just saying …

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Editor’s Note No. 2:

The American Landscape suggests you carefully consider the implications of the third paragraph of this alert:

We don’t know — nor can we verify at this time — the accuracy of the alert. But, given the recent behavior of Biden and his current administration, we have every reason to believe it IS true.

Assuming it is true, it suggests our government has weaponized its law enforcement branches to identify even the political humor and opinions of its citizens and persecute those who dare to engage in thoughts contrary to the government’s approved “narrative.”

This should be a HUGE RED FLAG WARNING to all patriots as to how far we have come in the process of losing our liberty in America.

If you are not yet angry by this, you are either not a patriot or you haven’t been listening.

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Weekend Meme …

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Weekend Message for Wokers — i.e. “Regressives”— to Ponder …


Weekend Food for Thought …

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Weekend Quote for this Fine Friday …

”It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery.”

— Galatians 5:1

Please … Remember the J6rs!!!

This video will appear at the bottom of The American Landscape until all the J6 prisoners are exonerated and released from custody.


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