Editor’s Note No. 1:
We at The American Landscape celebrate people like the woman above who arrive at the truth … and then aren’t afraid to tell it like they see it!
And, here’s one more …
One thing that is true — and is difficult to deny even by those on the left.
President Trump has done more than anyone else presently alive on this earth to wake people up and smell the coffee … and that’s one main reason why so many on the left that used to hate him with such intensity are coming over to the right side.
So … please share this post with as many of your liberal democrat friends as possible. It just might open some of their minds to new ways of looking at the world …
Just saying …
Editor’s Note No. 2:
If you are a Christian, would it not do you well to know with certainty what others are thinking about you?
And then consider carefully what these folks are saying about YOU:
Unsung Heroes of the Week Award!
All the Patriotic TRUCKERS across America that started a boycott avalanche that could soon bury the once fine city of NEW YORK!
Given the lawfare, The American Landscape hopes the truckers can send New York to the land of Bud Light … A.S.A.P.
Just thinking …
Weekend Meme
Whenever you hear a lot of noise coming from left-wingers, remember this … and, in your heart, it may give you some peace …
Weekend Messages for Wokers — i.e. “Regressives”— to Ponder
Weekend Thoughts for all Subscribers of The American Landscape …
Please … Remember the J6rs!!!
This video will appear at the bottom of The American Landscape until all the J6 prisoners are exonerated and released from custody.
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